JavaScript Reference: Statements and Control Flow

If Statements

If statements are used to execute a block of code, given particular conditions are true.


  • Use: Execute a block of code if a given condition (or set of conditions) is true
  • Format: if ( condition ) { block to execute if condition is true }
  • Example:
    var x = 15
    var y = 3
    if ( x > y ) { 
    	console.log( "x is bigger" )


  • Use: Execute a block of code if a condition is true. If not true, execute a different block
  • Format: if ( condition ) { block to execute if condition is true } else { block to execute if condition is false }
  • Example:
    var x = 15
    var y = 3
    if ( x < y ) { 
    	console.log( "x is smaller" )
    else {
    	console.log( "x must be at least as big as y")

if...else Shorthand Notation

  • Use: An alternate construction for if...else statements
  • Format: ( condition ) ? (block to execute if condition is true) : (block to execute if condition is false)
  • Example:
    var x = 15
    var y = 3
    ( x < y ) ? console.log( "x is smaller" ) : console.log( "x must be at least as big as y")

if...else if

  • Use: Execute a block of code if a condition is true. If not true, test a second condition and execute a different block. Any number of conditions can be tested for, and else can be used to run a block if all conditions are false.
  • Format: if ( condition ) { statement } else if ( second condition ) { second statement }
  • Example:
    var x = 15
    var y = 3
    if ( x < y ) { 
    	console.log ( "x is smaller" )
    else if ( x > y ) {
    	console.log ( "x is bigger")
    else {
    	console.log ( "x must be equal to y")

For Loops

For loops are used to execute a block of code a particular number of times, or for each element in an array or object.


  • Use: Execute a block of code a fixed number of times.
  • Format: for ( initial value; condition; value increment ) { statement }
  • Example:
    for ( var i=0; i < 5; i++ ) {
    	console.log( "This message will print until i is 5, but right now it's only " + i)
    would result in the following output:
    This message will print until i is 5, but right now it's only 0
    This message will print until i is 5, but right now it's only 1
    This message will print until i is 5, but right now it's only 2
    This message will print until i is 5, but right now it's only 3
    This message will print until i is 5, but right now it's only 4

  • Use: Execute a block of code for each element in an array, or the names of properties of an object.
  • Format: for ( element in array ) { statement }
  • Example: A for loop over array elements.
    var breeds = ["Lhasa Apso","Shih Tzu","Shiba Inu"]
    for ( b in breeds ) {
    	console.log( b )
    would result in the following output:
    Lhasa Apso
    Shih Tzu
    Shiba Inu
  • Example: A for loop over object elements.
    var dog1 = { breed:"Dalmation", name:"Spot", color:"Black and white" }
    for ( x in dog1 ) {
    	console.log( dog1[x] + ' is my ' + x )
    would result in the following output:
    Dalmation is my breed
    Spot is my name
    Black and white is my color

While Loops

While loops are used to execute a block of code until a condition changes.


  • Use: Execute a statement as long as a condition is true. Note that the condition is tested before the block is executed.
  • Format: while ( condition ) { statement }
  • Example:
    var x = 0
    while (x <= 5) {
       console.log( "The remainder of " + x + " when divided by 3 is " + x%3) 
       x += 1
    would result in the following output:
    The remainder of 0 when divided by 3 is 0
    The remainder of 1 when divided by 3 is 1
    The remainder of 2 when divided by 3 is 2
    The remainder of 3 when divided by 3 is 0
    The remainder of 4 when divided by 3 is 1
    The remainder of 5 when divided by 3 is 2
  • Example:
    var x = 1
    while (x < 1) {
       console.log( x )
       x += 1
    would result in no output.


  • Use: Execute a statement as long as a condition is true. Note that the condition is tested after the block is executed.
  • Format: do { statement } while ( condition )
  • Example:
    var x = 0
    do {
       console.log( "The remainder of " + x + " when divided by 3 is " + x%3) 
       x += 1
    while (x <= 5)
    would result in the following output:
    The remainder of 0 when divided by 3 is 0
    The remainder of 1 when divided by 3 is 1
    The remainder of 2 when divided by 3 is 2
    The remainder of 3 when divided by 3 is 0
    The remainder of 4 when divided by 3 is 1
    The remainder of 5 when divided by 3 is 2
  • Example:
    var x = 1
    do {
       console.log( x )
       x += 1
    while (x < 1)
    would result in the following output:

Switch Statements

  • Use: Execute a block of code based on the value (case) of an expression. Frequently paired with break so the switch stops execution once a match is found. An optional default statement will run if no match is found.
  • Format: switch ( expression ) { case case_1: statement_1; case case_2: statement_2 }
  • Example:
    var breed = prompt("What kind of dog do you have?")
    switch ( breed ) {
    	case "English Bulldog":
    		alert("Bulldogs are courageous but gentle and were bred to bait bulls.")
    	case "Clumber Spaniel":
    		alert("Clumber spaniels are calm but affectionate and originated in France.")
    	case "Labrador Retriever":
    		alert("Labs are athletic and are excellent swimmers.")
    	case "Papillon":
    		alert("Papillons are small but intelligent dogs with long hair and big ears.")
    		alert("Sorry, I don't know about your dog!")
    Try it

Break and Continue


  • Use: Exit a loop if a condition is true
  • Example:
    var t = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]
    // the loop below searches through the array, but ends the search when 5 is found
    for (i in t) {
        if (i == 5) { 
        	console.log("Found it"); 
        else { 
        	console.log("Haven't found 5 yet")


  • Use: Skip an iteration of a loop (and continue to next) if a condition is true
  • Example:
    var t = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]
    // the loop below prints all entries of the array except 4:
    for (i in t) {
        if (i == 4) { 
        else { 
        	console.log( i )