Show first derivative

Show second derivative

Show intervals where \(f(x)\) is increasing

Show intervals where \(f(x)\) is decreasing

Show intervals where \(f(x)\) is concave up

Show intervals where \(f(x)\) is concave down

About The Shape of a Function

A function \(f(x)\) is said to be increasing on an interval \(I\) if, for all \(x_0\) and \(x_1\) in \(I\) with \(x_0\lt x_1\), we have \(f(x_0) \lt f(x_1)\). This means that as you trace the graph from left to right on such an interval, your finger would move up. Similarly, a function is decreasing on an interval \(I\) if, for all \(x_0\) and \(x_1\) in \(I\) with \(x_0\lt x_1\), we have \(f(x_0) \gt f(x_1)\).

A function \(f(x)\) is said to be concave up on an interval \(I\) if its first derivative is increasing on \(I\). Graphically, this means the function is curved and forming a bowl shape. Similarly, a function is concave down when its first derivative is decreasing. When a function is concave down, it is curved and forming an upside down bowl (open umbrella) shape.

The graph of a function \(f(x)\) is closely related to the graphs of its first and second derivatives:

Using the Applet

The applet will generate the graph of a random polynomial function. Use the controls to highlight the intervals of the graph where it is increasing, decreasing, concave up, and concave down, and to display the first and second derivatives.

About this Applet

This applet was created using JavaScript and the Raphael library. If you are unable to see the applet, make sure you have JavaScript enabled in your browser. This applet may not be supported by older browsers.